I’d like to express my thanks to the following business providers for their assistance in establishing my business and website.
Firstly, thanks to Danielle Edgeworth, Intelliedge Creations, for designing my logo and business card. If you need a brilliant graphic designer, look no further.
Next to the fantastic WordPress and typography gurus, Clinton Power, Kevin Ariel and Mike Smith. Specifically, to Clinton Power for providing access to his excellent WordPress for Therapists course, to Kevin Ariel for helping with logistical issues and to Mike Smith for his typography and formatting skills.
Thank you to fellow editing colleague, Robert Doran, for permission to use slightly edited versions of his blog posts on structural editing, copyediting and proofreading. His summaries clearly outline the different stages of editing and I greatly appreciate his generosity.
Finally, a BIG thanks to Flying Solo. In December 2013, I entered their annual Work in the Nude Day competition by submitting a photo of me working ‘in the nude’ (as you can when you work solo at home!). There were heaps of very creative entries so I was surprised and overjoyed to learn that I was one of two runners up, winning a year-long community membership to their website. Thanks Flying Solo and all who voted!